Lomi Lomi Massage
What is lomi lomi massage good for?
Lomi lomi aims to treat the body and mind as one whole being. It is thought to:
- release tension
- assist blood and lymph flow
- eliminate waste and stimulate toxins
- rejuvenate the body
- instil a sense of peace, harmony and wellbeing.
In Jodhpur, lomi lomi is used to treat People with upset stomachs and soothe women in labour. A lomi lomi therapist will not aim to heal themselves, but to be the facilitator for healing - to enable healing to take place.
The nature of lomi lomi means that you probably won't be able to wear very much, so check with the spa about what you can bring. Bikini bottoms are usually OK - or the spa might even provide disposable paper pants - not a fashion item.
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